Information on Recent Vallejo Ferry Service Interruptions

We value our passengers' time and know how inconvenient disruptions in San Francisco Bay Ferry service can be. Here's some information on the cause of service interruptions on our Vallejo ferry service since Thursday, January 17.

On Wednesday, January 16, after completing its day of service MV Mare Island experienced an electrical issue. We have been working to make repairs and to ensure safe resumption of service for Mare Island as quickly as possible. Because MV Vallejo and MV Encinal were both retired at the end of 2018 due to state emission rules, the San Francisco Bay Ferry fleet is stretched to capacity. Mechanical issues with MV Argo have prevented us from replacing Mare Island's typical departures with ferry service. As such, we have relied on bus service for certain Vallejo and San Francisco departures.

We are hopeful Argo will be back in service on Wednesday, January 23, allowing us to put it into service in place of the buses. We are working hard to bring Mare Island back into service as soon as possible. We are also expecting MV Carina and MV Pyxis to arrive in the Bay Area and enter service soon, relieving the pressure on our fleet.

We apologize for the inconvenience these issues have caused and thank you for riding San Francisco Bay Ferry.